I don’t know if I believe in manifesting in a mystical sense, but I do feel really, really lucky today.

I don’t know if I believe in manifesting in the traditional sense, but I do believe in dreams coming true.
Two years ago, I decided to turn down a few offers to publish next books with the independent press that I’d worked with for my first books. I wanted to set my sights on a big publishing house that might lead to wider distribution and visibility, to reach the most readers and make the greatest impact. It was hard saying “no,” but I knew I had to believe in my dreams.
I spent half a year writing my sample chapters and another year going to author conferences and learning how to write and refine a book proposal and how to query agents. Six months ago I began looking for a literary agent – the critical bridge between writing dreams and access to the “Big 5” publishing houses. I sent out a dozen query letters and waited, turning my attention toward pleasure reading and family matters.
Three months ago I set a goal. A vision. I said to myself, “I’m going to sign with an agent by my birthday” – summer solstice.
In April I had my first agent meeting. It went well: she was interested. But uncommitted.
In May I had a second agent meeting, and I went into it so sure this would be it. She said she’d get back to me the next week, but days later said she’d fallen ill and needed more time. I never heard back.
June arrived, and I had a third agent meeting. Two days later she offered me a contract, but before I signed, I got an email inviting me to meet with another agent the next day. She represents six NY Times best sellers by authors I’ve read, like, and respect, so I took the meeting. She offered to sign me too! Three hours later, I received a third offer of representation from the agency I first spoke with in April.
I’ve sent the contracts to my Author’s Guild attorneys for review and spent the weekend anguishing and reflecting over which of these amazing people will be the best partner for my career. Tomorrow, June 10th, if all goes well with the attorney review, I expect to cross the threshold of my dream and sign with a literary agent for my next and subsequent books.
Exactly ten days before my birthday.
Did I manifest this reality?
Depends what you mean by the word, I suppose.
I had a friend who told me she “manifested” her husband. But a few years later she was tied up in litigation to extricate herself from the toxic and abusive dynamic her marriage had revealed itself to be. The magical, spiritual feel didn’t seem quite so luminous in the end.
I believe when we set a vision, we can reach important dreams and goals, but it’s not through passive waiting. My friend envisioned herself married by 35, but she didn’t stay home and hope. Her eyes were open to possibilities and she was putting herself out there. I set a vision of signing with a literary agent by summer solstice, and that meant I had to change my passive, ambivalent approach to one of increased focus and action, responding to silence or rejection with renewed efforts to query new possibilities, reaching out to contacts to request introductions, following up on any interest expressed, and squarely addressing my fears of inadequacy and getting them out of my way.
Manifesting, to me, isn’t wishing or believing something into being from nothing, but is a powerful combination of vision, goals, opportunity, and action.
So perhaps I did manifest this reality – but honestly, I just feel really, really lucky.
What dreams do you hold? How will you manifest them into reality?