Article Features

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Image of Dr. Deborah Vinall.
Women In Wellness: Deborah Vinall On Five Lifestyle Tweaks
Today, more than ever, wellness is at the forefront of societal discussions. Dr. Deborah Vinall shares her story and insight on five lifestyle tweaks that will help support people’s journey towards better...
Stock image of a little boy sitting against a brick wall with his hands and head on his knees, looking seemingly upset.
For the Children - Stress and anxiety can affect kids at nearly any age
How can we support our children who have anxiety and stress? Dr. Vinall contributes to the conversation with suggestions for supporting childrens’ emotional and physical well-being.
Stock image of a little boy sitting in a desk chair with his head leaning into his knees, seemingly upset. His mother has his hands on his knees, trying to comfort him.
9 Ways to Support a Child With Anxiety
What if the best way to care for and support your child with anxiety is actually to take care of your own mental health first? Vinall contributes tangible and approachable techniques and strategies to...
Stock image of a silhouette of trees clipart on top of a crumpled piece of paper with unreadable cursive on it.
Can’t Stop Worrying About, Well, Everything?
“A worry tree is not just a practical tool but an empowering mindfulness process as well.” Dr. Deborah Vinall details an accessible approach to tackling life’s worries in a way that empowers you.
Stock image of hands tapping the heart on someones photo on their phone.
Love in the Time of Swipes: A Survival Guide for Dating App Users
Does “swiping” bring you joy? Or stress, anxiety, and heartache? Dr. Vinall weighs in on mental health, therapy, and the dating apps.
Stock image of two women sitting on a couch, one looking at the other with their eyebrow raised.
How To Prevent Jealousy From Getting In The Way Of Being Happy For Your Thriving Friends
Jealousy, Jealousy? We all have tumultuous relationships, and Dr. Vinall offers supportive words for women experiencing jealousy to move toward empowering confidence and authentic friendship.
Stock image of two women walking and one looking at the other with a disbelief look.
9 Signs You Might Have a Toxic Sister (Plus, How to Deal)
Dr. Vinall offers creative and boundary-aligned opportunities to address toxic relationship dynamics with sisters. Discover approachable language and suggestions to create healthy sibling relationships.
Stock image of a woman in red overalls looking down at her phone.
5 Signs *Your* Behavior Is Passive-Aggressive
Did you know passive-aggressive behavior stems from insecurity? We can all do reflective work and Dr. Vinall provides graceful support on how to address passive aggressive behavior and move towards empowerment.
Stock image of a woman meditating with her hands pressed together by her chest, sitting on the ground.
How a Mantra Can Improve Your Mental Health
From “Om” to “I am strong,” mantras can be a new practice in your healing journey. Dr. Vinall walks us through what mantras are, what it can look like, and how to use them to empower us in our daily lives.
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