
A burning is burning in flamed with the sunset in the background.
The Courage to Disclose
Self-doubt and the Lingering Effects of Gaslighting.
A hand holding out a piece of paper that says "you are lying" on it.
Pathological Liars
The psychology of lying and how to respond.
A landscape of green trees, bushes, and grass on a sunny day, taken on a hike.
The Healing Balm of Nature
When we seek belonging, nature responds.
Dream catcher hanging in the sun and blue sky.
Dreams and Holidays
Nightmares, stress dreams, and how to respond to each.
Homeless person laying on their side underneath a railing covered with a blanket and using their phone.
Why Pride?
Reflections on homelessness amongst queer youth.
Brown coffee cup sitting on a table with a heart latte design on the coffee.
Coffee with Dad
Closeness isn’t built in pleasantries and pretense, but on ownership, authenticity, and truth.
Happy face balloon in a grass field on a sunny day
Manifesting Visions
I don't know if I believe in manifesting in a mystical sense, but I do feel really, really lucky today.
Digital alarm clock with time 12:38 PM with pink flowers in the foreground
Forgiveness and a Mother's Day Hangover
What forgiveness cannot do.
Woman wearing a t-shirt with the printed words "friends, mothers, daughters, visionaries, queens, rulers, women"
Diabolical Lies
Response to a misogynistic footballer commencement speech.
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