
Orange flames
The (in)Justice System
Reflections on rape convictions in the wake of Weinstein: Justice withdrawn and justice withheld.
Two cups off coffee and a pastry sitting on a cafe table
Connection at Coffee
Why I’m an Unapologetic Baby Flirt.
A walkway with bare trees lightly coated in snow.
When Winter Lasts Too Long
Reflections on suicide in the wake of loss.
A hand holding out a piece of paper that says "you are lying" on it.
Pathological Liars
The psychology of lying and how to respond.
The dictionary on the entry page for "lying" which is defined as "n. the act of telling a lie; the habit of telling lies"
The Courage to be True
“Lucy has been in a terrible car accident. She is in the ICU in a coma. Please pray.”
An orange monarch butterfly in a field of white flowers
Silencing Suggestions of Insignifiance
A writer recently asked me this question. What do you, as a therapist, do when you feel lonely?
A person reading and sitting at a picnic bench with large trees, a lake, and mountains in the background, in black and white.
Contentment and Complacency
Am I complacent here and now? I don’t think I’ve found a hard answer to that. But I am content, even as I strive toward new goals.
Two people holding hands with a mountain sunset in the background
The Courage to Take up Space
Overcoming the fear of being "too much".
Light green journal with a pencil.
New Beginnings
The beauty of life, I am realizing, is that it is never truly too late for new beginnings.
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